Fish or Chicken?
Life is spontaneous! WOOHOO! Just went on a day roadtrip to Malacca with our mission to hunt for CHICKEN RICE BALLS!! haha! It was a 3 and a half hour drive all the way to Malacca town. Thanks to our drivers T & W.. Woah the chicken rice is soooooooo good.. i suppose it would taste even better if it wasnt abit too soft cos it was just out from the pot. But no doubt it was one of the BEST chicken rice i ever had!

Watermelon truck overturned on the highway...
(Pic nicked from T)

YUMMY Chicken rice balls... looks like fishballs huh? haha
It felt nice to visit the St Paul's again, i remember i was there with my bball team mates during Pri 6! We won the national competition n was rewarded with this tour to Malacca and Gentings. I can still remember becos my grandma passed away on the same week but i begged my mum to let me go on the trip! I cant imagine i'm back there again 12 years later.. Those memories are still fresh in my head...
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