the butter-fingers one speaks...
this is wat i call SHIOK!!!

yes my camera is back that's y u are seeing this pic. That's the open-air jacuzzi that i was so gaga over... shiok huh? Hmm.. dunno why but recently i seem to keep dropping things... so a piece of advice, keep your valuables away from me. haha
So hooked to this korean show call "Opponent" right now! omg i think i want a korean husband! hahaa!

Quite sad near the ending, beautiful love always hurts huh? It felt the worst when the other person doesnt even know you actually did so much for him before.. In the show he always get beaten up by his secret society boss to protect the gal. Super SHUAI even when he's all bruised up! kinda funny actually cos he always heal very fast, next day ok already! haha
(Spoilers alert!!)
One Tree Hill was soooooooo sad last night, damn i cried like shit when Nathan cried and when the geeky guy made a very touching speech for Brooke. And yes Peyton finally kissed Jake(although i was hoping she and Chad would hook up instead but thats not gonna happen)
Listening to Robbie's songs now, missed his voice so much. Been floating around with a cranky mood recently... dunno why also... Mebbe i watched too much sappy shows? hoho i think walking is a good stress reliever.. i need to walk more... climbing stairs also feels pretty good...
p/s: my heart goes out to those who are victimised in the London blast. What the f*ck is the world becoming? You cant even take a bus or train without the risk of getting blown up into pieces? Make Peace and Love... NOT War lah...
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