my 1st BDAY pressie!! WOO!!
Yeah so happy so fast got my first bday present and it was bought spontaneously!! Thanks Justme for "bringing" and accompanying me shop around these 2 days! *muacks* and of cos Thanks Box and Ty*g too!! hohoho!! *huggzzz*
Justme got *muacks* cos she's there with me to buy! haha ;p here's a pix of the watch i got! So nice!! Love it! Suppose to be limited edition, everything is so cool except the lowtaste baggie that came along with it. haha So dun match lor.. aiyohzz Espirit why like that? ;p

Today so productive!! Finished all my errands, bought what i need to buy, found what i searching for! hoho! niceeeeeeeeeeee~~~.... its a good day!
Had a sucky haircut the other day.. she told me wun be so obvious one but end up so messy color, dun really like the colors, make me look like siao cha bor n the fringe so short again! Make my cheekbone look so high.. Haizzz... I'm gonna dye over it maybe next month or something, hair too dry cannot dye so soon leh... haizzz.... Spent enough $$ this month too le, cannot must stop le!!! Oh man i need more business! quick ppl recommend more people to me to do their website or hosting or "maria" also can! heeee!
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