"Lucky" me
Finally exams are over! haaaaa! Nasty paper.. can only hope for the best once again. :P
But i cant be too happy yet. The crappiest thing to happen was to kenna Food poisoning the day after my exams. Haven even enjoy myself abit and i have to stay home and puke for 3 days. All thanks to lunch after my paper on sat at TPY foodcourt. Spent my whole sunday puking nonstop, i hate food poisoning.. weak n yucky from all the puking... By noon, i'm practically halfdead and I finally cant stand it anymore and went to see doc, but since its a sunday my usual doc is not around so i have to brace the stupid rain n struggle my way to the 24hr doc 4 busstops away... I tot i will just pass out right there while waiting for a cab standing in the rain with an umbrella... bbrrrrrr.... I guess i'm lucky enough to recover quickly but i dun think i will be able to enjoy the best of all my xmas dinner plans.. :(
Went Sakura with the clowns last wed, as expected i didnt eat much. hoho. The clowns banned me from eating too.. sobsob.. In order not to LS so much (ha!), i ate double dosage of meds that afternoon (with doc's permission of cos) and was feeling Double drowsy! Go figure! I dunno how i can still run so many errands despite being soooooooo drowsy... Went to get Pris's present, bought a new phone and shop xmas gifts at the same time! haa but i have to admit i cant remember what the salesgirl said about the phone. lol. i think i'm given some free VA services which i will normally reject, but since i'm incapable of making impt decisions i decided to take whatever she offers me that day. lol... now i got to call in and cancel those nonsense services.. lalalaa...
Went No5 after dinner, I didnt drink as i'm on meds. Plain water girl. Had a bit of fun and goofing around playing pool there b4 going home.

And this is what happen when u are on double doses of meds. See what i wrote for Pris's present! hahaha! baka me...
totally BAKA!
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