Sunday, May 06, 2007

Swifty oh yeah

The most freaky thing happen today. I was driving Justme on the way to bugis from her house and we stopped at the traffic near her place. We were in the car waiting for the lights to turn green when the taxi beside me HONKED me. I was worried like "oh did i do something wrong with the car?!" I turned and guess wat?

Haha u will never guess man! My dad driving the cab right beside us! hahaha!!! OMIGOSH!! I mean how co-incidental can anything else get? haha of all the traffic lights, of all the places, of all the cars and moons and stars, i actually stop right next to my dad's cab at the traffic! lol!! His passenger at the back smiled back at us too. I bet she was quite amused too.

Quite fun driving the car around today, although Justme and Box almost stressed to death cos they need to help me look for the highway exits and roadsigns! hahaha :P

I need to name the car! Quick someone help me think of a nice name!


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