Student again so i'm all tutorials and partying?!
Busy busy... i'd spent my week doing tutorials and partying. haha now i sound like a REAL student!? Managed to get myself a free ticket to go watch Peter Pan, it was my first musical and i was so excited about it. But soon my excitement died down.. haha i think i'm so not a musical person! or mebbe it's Peter Pan, the plot wise...that's for kids la.... Only the first and last act was not that bad cos there's alot of flying around with the wires and stuff. Last act Peter Pan even flew "into" the audience and that was cool!
We went to esplanade after the show to surprise the bday boy, he didnt know we were all gonna be there. Skipped Settlers cafe(again! haha no fate with the shop la) and went to Molly Malones instead. 2 of our sup (Jen from nebraska(so near to alaska!!) and Julia's from aus) were with us so we had a good time talking to them n getting to know more about them and cirque! Then the "kids" all went home and the "adults" party on! whaha! We bar hopped to Eski Bar(haven get the pix yet!) and it was very COOL! Literally! haha about 6 of us were left but we had fun there! We went into the small room which was -4 degrees(-6degrees when we went in n it drop to -4!!) and stayed in there for like 8 minutes, see who can stay the longest.. haha we all got out shaking together in the end..
We all got hungry after freezing our butts off so we decided to bring our sups to eat chicken rice cos they been talking about it all day long. haha Went to Boon Tong Kee at river valley.. yummy~
more pix when i get them...
meanwhile.. a lil' pix summary of what's been going on these few days..

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