I came home hungry from class cos didnt had dinner just now...
So i decided to have my happydose of CUTE piggy-mee(maggi-mee's twin) and i feel so happy now! haha

Thanks box for getting it for me from TW! heh! Justme was just telling me about this the other time and i got so excited just seeing her pix! haha now EATING it for myself is so fulfilling! hahaa so cute! BTW there were suppose to be 3 little pigs, one ermm.. mebbe scared of the big hungry wolf(me!) and managed to stay hidden, no matter how i stir i cant find it.. hahaa! I love piggy.
anyway thanks for all the encouragements! I'm moving on, maybe even moved on...? There's still abit of butterflies when i see/talk to him but then not much sadness anymore.. whatever that means? haha i'm proud of myself... ;p and i love my frens! haha
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