Look what i've got!!
Dunno why but there's an urge suddenly to get a fishbowl and kinda rear some fishes. And it sorta became my advanced bday present! HEE! Thanks gals(Ty*g, Justme and Box)!!! Erm.. supposed to be getting me or rather subsidising me for my MP3 player but i think u all wont mind this spontanous change of mind right? :P dont see this like very simple, the food and the chemicals are the price killer...

A new "Strawberry home" for a Blue lobster, 3 "albino"(dunno their name) and 1 Morris.

The blue lobster making his way into his new strawberry home... Dont ask me why i know it's a HE! haha it's just a hunch?! I may be wrong...
I have fun setting up the aquarium but i think i need more practice "scooping" the fishes.. haha abit "qiu ka na ka"(hokkien translate to "hand like leg like that") The 3 albinos was quite a challenge cos they are so hyper active! The lobster was cool cos it kinda walk backwards into the net and then swam out of the net by itself! haha so cute! Good boy...
ok hopefully my little strawberry bowl and its new residents survives at least 6 months?! haha i dunno but i think can la huh! hoho!
p/s: ARGH I need to get the image of the freaky worms at the shop out of my head! SHIT!!!!!!! *think blue lobster..nice fishes.. polka-dots morris... blueeeeeee... white... polkadots........ cute.......*
*update* oh no the bluey is attacking the fishes?! I switch off the light and was observing them in the dark. Bluey decides to venture out of his cave and started attacking his mates? oh no!!! it kept pacing around the bowl, sometimes the albinos would deliberately swam near him and then swam away? are they playing with him or erm.. prey n predator games? oh shit! i hope they can be good friends... wil keep on observing, think tomorrow call the fishshop guy n ask!
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