Willy Wonker!
Hey KIDS!!!! Look wat i found! Willy Wonker's Gobstopper!!

haha omg this is the first time i had these candies.. Justme was telling me she ate Gobstopper before as a kid and i was so amazed! I didnt know there's Willy Wonkers candies, as in in real life. Yes i tot it's just a movie! hoho Yes i'm a mountain tortise! I only know chupachup and the sweet on a ring and the one u can blow as a whistle and white rabbit sweets! haha that's pretty much it?! aiyoh my childhood is pathetic? haha!
omg suddenly i craved so much for those chocolate buns i used to buy at school canteens during recess.. yummy!! do they even sell that anymore now???
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