Something happened to Brian!!!
OMG!! Look what happen to Brian...

lying lifeless....

so sad so i took it out...

No la! Brian is alive la! haha this is his shell! cool huh? ya it's kinda naked now(horny?) cos it just "molted". And he has grown much bigger! it's so unimaginable how he can grow so fast in a day?! alamak at this rate he's growing i will need a BIGGER tank by next month?! This is so fun! My first lobster molting... At first i tot he's dead cos i see his pinchers sticking out of the strawberry lifeless! I poke it with a straw and still no movement(so sad..) and then wala! I just remember that they molt(change their shell) and i peek into the strawberry and Brian was stareing at me from inside.. HAHA!
Anyway today i went back to the shop and returned them one of the albino. Too much fighting already so i decided to remove one of the bullies. Oh btw the albinos are call "Princess of Burundi". Nice name! oh added in some corals chips (Thanks ivan for the tip!) too and they seem much happier now. =) So damn challenging.... haha!

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