Purple Paint Day
Woke up at 1030 this morning. Excited to start my paint job for the day. hee!
Had an early lunch at 1115...

1145 - I prepped myself with the equipment and started my painting day...

1215 - moved away my bed and everything else in the way with my mum's help.. aiyoh so damn heavy.. started painting.. hmm I like the colour.. hee! I handpicked it at the shop. =)

2pm- Gosh! This is not easy...

cos the texture of the walls are like this.... but i got the hang of it as i go along..

315pm - Getting very tired from all the brushing action, decided to doodle on my wall! haaa! Was gonna write "Shann's new wall" but realised i got not enough space! haaa! ok bad "agaration" i know... ;p tired it cant think that straight la...

4pm - DONE!!!!! Finally... Painted the rest of my walls with fresh white paint...

530pm - Moved back all my furnitures.... and TADUH!!! My brand new room with nice painted walls.. Oh my curtains are babyblue, my wall-shelfs are green(u cant see from this angle) and my wall is purple/Majestic Optima (name of the paint colour apparently)! Yeah!!! all my fav colours.. muahaha!

oh not forgetting my cute "Majestic" power sockets! haa!!!
Phew~ what a tiring day..But totally happy with my achievements! haa! My mum got so enthu and decided we should paint the living room as well! ha! Therefore i slogged for another 3 hours after dinner...
930pm - I surrender liao... my arms are aching... but so happy my house is now so WHITE with all the fresh paint! haha!
1230 - Laid infront of the tv unable to move all my limbs. Here i am blogging in my room now, still admiring my new wall.. heee!
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