Caught in between a fight!
Me and Box went for shopping yesterday at Bugis and the MOST drama thing happened!! We were caught in the midst of a big fight(10 ppl beating up 1 guy) and everything was so drama-mama!! Luckily we got out of it unhurt but our lil' hearts were totally racing man!
We went to Bugis This Fashion after conquering Bugis Village. It was less than a minute after we entered the store. We heard a huge commotion outside, there was alot of shouting and footsteps. We were both standing next to the mannequins at the glass window. I looked outside n saw like more than 10 ppl beating up 1 poor guy. They were shouting very loudly n we were less than 1 metre away from them, all we have between us is just the glass window n the mannequins. They looked Malay to me but later Box said they look more like foreign workers. I think they might be Thai or Myanmar workers, don't think they were locals.
Everything happen so fast!!! I told Box "shit there is a fight!! so many beating up 1!!!" Then we stare at them for like 2 seconds n automatically stepped 2 steps backwards.. Then I said "oh no, i dun think they will clash inside right?!?!" and the next thing we know.... They shoved and clashed right into the glass window and the glass cracked!!!! n then they shoved another time n this time the entire glass panel shattered and clashed down!!! Me and Box quickly scramble away for our dear lives!!! Luckily the mannequins blocked them from coming into the shop and stopped the glass from flying towards us!! Gosh!!! we were THAT close lor.... =(
In the midst of all the madness, my dear box did something funny. She grabbed "me" and run for like 3 metres. We cant run far cos there were all these clothes trolleys around us. There was this little girl standing near us when it all happened n she hurried towards us during then. She was so scared that i heard her shouting "I wanna go upstairs! I wanna go upstairs!!" (This store is double storeys) n so I allowed her to run first cos she was so freaked out. So Box unknowingly grabbed her and thought it was me and ran! haha 3 of us quickly ran to the cashier area and that was when Box realised she grabbed the wrong person! She must have thought "Shit!! Where's Shan!??!" but ok la I was right behind. We stood at one corner to look at the situation. We could still hear them chasing down the guy outside so we remained in that corner of the shop.
We looked outside and saw a crowd gathering and everyone just watched and cant do anything about it. All the rickshaw uncles in their bright orange clothes stood right outside. No one could do anything cos it's such a big fight. One of the salesgirl shouted "CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR!!!" and someone ran to press the button. Me and Box just stood there trying to take in what just happened!
I asked the salesgirl to call the police cos their window was shattered. None of them reacted. They were all so freaked out! I wanted to call the police and then someone said "Someone outside called already".
Then everything went quiet. Everyone just stood outside looking at the floor and we thought the guy was lying there but they were just looking at the shattered glass all over the floor. Cars stopped and there was a jam. 1 policeman turned up and seems very lost. Don't think he know there was a fight? then after quite a while, 3 or 4 police cars finally turned up and police was all over the place. Those jokers left a blood trail all along the road all the way to near Bugis Junction n the trail went across the road to the other side.... It's so drama... We were both so shocked and we decided to go upstairs and continue our shopping upstairs! =p
Gosh!!! It's like filming a movie man. Everything went in slow motion with all the dramas. We were like those "extras" in the movie trying to run away when the window shatters. Hearts racing and all. Strangely, the store was quite crowded after the fight. People were all queuing for the fitting rooms. Think they got attracted by the commotion and decided to do some shopping too. But i wonder how do they close for the day since the entire window is gone? Let's see if this gets on the newspaper and we can find out more about what happen after that.

Oh I have a picture of the shop after everything. Look at the mannequins! We were right behind it lor.. kuakuakua~
What a day!! Phew~~