Monday, August 22, 2005

Willy Wonker!

Hey KIDS!!!! Look wat i found! Willy Wonker's Gobstopper!!

haha omg this is the first time i had these candies.. Justme was telling me she ate Gobstopper before as a kid and i was so amazed! I didnt know there's Willy Wonkers candies, as in in real life. Yes i tot it's just a movie! hoho Yes i'm a mountain tortise! I only know chupachup and the sweet on a ring and the one u can blow as a whistle and white rabbit sweets! haha that's pretty much it?! aiyoh my childhood is pathetic? haha!

omg suddenly i craved so much for those chocolate buns i used to buy at school canteens during recess.. yummy!! do they even sell that anymore now???

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Caught "15" at Screen Singapore today, definitely worth the 9 bucks for a local film. Royston Tan had cleverly tuned down the vulgarity with humour. cleverly done! This is the first local film i gave the thumbs up for! When the ah bengs start singing their hokkien songs, it's so hilarious! haha they sing until so damn serious but it's so funny...

For those who missed it, check out the trailer here and the Times magazine review.

The adventure of five fifteen year old boys in Singapore: estranged to every social reference, except for that of appearance and close friendships, they live their lives distant from their families and school, passing their days in a complete state of indolence in the search of experiences, at times even physically painful (tattoos, piercing, wounds). Their imaginary is completely colonized by MTV, cartoons, electronic jingles, publicity and comics.

Interpreted by street-kids that belong to the group they represent, this audacious and disturbing first work by the twenty-six year old Royston Tan explores an adolescent world, dramatically marked by the conflictual under-culture and complete addiction to video clip and videogame aesthetics. The existential suburban hardship, compared to the bright "western" and "English speaking" metropolis, is consumed through moving and desperate dialogues inscribed in a progression of disturbing sequences, similar to short sketches that slowly reconstruct the relational, psychological and family dynamics of the five boys. A sincere and lyrical film but at the same time irreverent, scandalous and extreme, an expression of Singapore cinema, unknown and emerging.

Friday, August 19, 2005

From you, one look and everything is shattered

Woah productive day! Got a temp job at Cirque de soleil and i'd finally submitted my application for SCHOOL. Did some shopping at Far East and Bugis, still need to go back Far East!! didnt get to finish the shopping there... need black clothes, black bottoms and black shoes for work...

Quite tired, but i dun feel like sleeping yet cos i'm kinda enjoying the feeling of tiredness. Sometimes you just feel the need to feel... Feeling the song right now, totally feeling it...

"Shattered" Remy Zero

Grace in light
Somehow I found you here
Told from the hope and fear
That holds us inside
Pull me out

Look from the world I've known
And all that was broken, cold
Broaden me in here

From you, one look
Just one look
And everything is shattered
From you one word
Towers burn
And fall, fall apart

Just be still
Arms that surround like the sun
Facing the life we've begun
and holds us inside

Repeat chorus twice.

Fires curl, shadows swirl
A hollow sound
That no one else can hear
But me in silent streams
Forever more
We dream

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My bday trip

Thanks all you gals for making the time and effort for the trip! =)
Hope you all had fun!

Woke up to pee and "rewarded" myself with a cool sunrise and low-tide view of the kelong!

Getting ready for our green socks parade?! WHAHA!

The "dented" hammock and whose fault is that? haha!

Thanks T for the Fila Passport holder and coin purse, so very coooool!!

Haha Spongebobbbbb!!!! Thanks gals! i still keeping the cookie! so cute dun bear to eat! haha

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A, B, C or D?

What would you do in the following scenario?

You are taking the train on your way home. In the train station while on your way down the escalator, you stare blankly into the crowd and sigh to yourself - what a crapload of people. Everyone seem to be have forgotten about the keep left rule somehow.. When you are about to reach the landing, 2 person infront of you started darting to the right to avoid hitting a woman standing right at the landing. You quickly dart away too and then u realised that a lady had her LONGGGGGG skirt stuck in the escalator and she's kinda panicking. Everyone else seems to turned blind all of a sudden and yet they can walk away very quickly. No one give a shit to that lady. (ok she's a middle age woman not glam or anything so mebbe no guys give a shit?)

anyway so what would u do?

a. Wat? Did that happen? I'm too stoned from work i didnt see that...
b. Go help her! Quick! Poor thing no one help her
c. Press Stop button and inform the people at the control station
d. My eyes!! My eyes!! blind suddenly although u can still dart away to avoid knocking into her in the first place

About 99% of the people going down the escalator chose D! That's freaking sad. Singaporean have a special skill of turning blind in some cases of emergencies. Ok maybe u're thinking it's just a skirt wat.. wat's the big deal? what happen if it's a kid's finger or something? The lady was like shouting "could someone please help! please stop this thing!" but everyone just took one look and walk away.

I chose C. I press the stop button. Although i think i almost killed 20 other people who are still on the escalator. heee! sorry have to do that! her skirt is being drag in by the seconds! There's a a young couple who stop to help besides me. I heard the guy telling the gf "Oh no her skirt is stuck! Quick you're a girl i think u better go help her." The gf help to hold on to the skirt. No help from the guards at the control station yet! No one even freaking bother to tell the control station while walking past it?! so they didnt just turn blind, they turned mute as well. So i walked towards the c-station and signal to one of the guards and he ran over.

Seeing that the guard has taken over the job, i then walked away.

I know if i got stuck in the escalator, i would definitely appreciate some help. Dont you? Freaking blind people.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The one on the runaway lobster

Brian/Emmett(yes split personality) ran away from strawberry bottoms!! I woke up this morning and my bro told me the lobster is gone. Oh my i think it must have felt guilty for eating up his tankmate that it decided to run away from home. There are evidences of his escape! The coral chips and marbles are all over the place. He made used of them to escape apparently! My mum tried looking for it earlier this morning but she couldnt find it anywhere.

I think i might have telepathy with my lobster?! I armed myself with a cane(incase brian decides to attack my toes!) and a torchlight and went straight over to the tv cabinet. I shone the torch under it but couldnt really see anything, i poke my cane underneath and suddenly i heard *clink clink clink* Did i hear that?! sounds like tiny feets hitting on something metal!! Hmm but where is it coming from?! Brian is that u? Emmett?? I peek in further and finally i saw Brian's butt sticking out from behind the cabinet's wheels. HOHO! GoTCHA!!!

Anyway i decided to remove him from the fishes so that he cannot do anymore harm. Went to the aquarium shop n got myself 2 new fishes(one blue zebra and one greyish), so far they seem ok together, and a new tank for Brian/Emmett and his strawberry. Oh since i removed Brian/Emmett, i got the fishes a "Brian/Emmett replica" instead!! HAHA!! See picture! Hilarious!!!

No Fishing! HAHA