Thursday, March 31, 2005


slacking.. yes.. slacking.. i'm guilty of being a slacker at work recently. I need to buck up and get myself a new job like SOON, else i'm gonna slack so much i'll turn into a sack of potatos, bbq flavour one somemore...

i suddenly had this funny thought the other day, inspired by my mission on a series of shoes/sandals hunting sessions. Work/Life/Ralationships is like forever hunting for a perfect pair of shoes... can there actually be shoes that are perfect? When you found yourself a pair that u quite like, it turns out that they ran out of your size or colour. When you did manage to get one, u start wearing it happily but end up with blisters all over your feet. But eventually you will get used to the friction and all is well until before u know it, it snapped and you need to start on your mission again. Haha am i making any sense at all?! whahaha! I like the metaphor.. shoes.. life... interesting.. ok i shall stop before i get too carried away with my shoes and life theory.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Littoral - without the ending...

Littoral (Tideline) - In Montreal, a Lebanese man is found dead, covered with snow. So begins a surreal odyssey for his Canadian son, Wahab. Ghosts appear; a doorway opens onto a sun-drenched beach in Lebanon; family members scurry about like a colony of crabs by the water's edge. Wahab resolves to bury the body in the town of his father's birth. But the idyllic village he envisioned is instead a cesspool of hate, rubble, and death. The feckless Wahab somehow collects a band of followers who help him battle Syrian soldiers, venomous villagers and the psychological scars of war, finally finding peace for Wahab's father and their own tortured souls. Official site:

Went to watch this art film with Justme at the art house this afternoon, (mebbe it's me that brought her the jinx of the week?! haha!) We were halfway through the movie... the dvd start to get those annoying "pixels" and we have to stop the show due to the errors! bahhhh... i hate watching a show n not know the ending.. I doubt there's any way of getting the vcd/dvd since it's a art film?!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Fish or Chicken?

Life is spontaneous! WOOHOO! Just went on a day roadtrip to Malacca with our mission to hunt for CHICKEN RICE BALLS!! haha! It was a 3 and a half hour drive all the way to Malacca town. Thanks to our drivers T & W.. Woah the chicken rice is soooooooo good.. i suppose it would taste even better if it wasnt abit too soft cos it was just out from the pot. But no doubt it was one of the BEST chicken rice i ever had!

Watermelon truck overturned on the highway...
(Pic nicked from T)

YUMMY Chicken rice balls... looks like fishballs huh? haha

It felt nice to visit the St Paul's again, i remember i was there with my bball team mates during Pri 6! We won the national competition n was rewarded with this tour to Malacca and Gentings. I can still remember becos my grandma passed away on the same week but i begged my mum to let me go on the trip! I cant imagine i'm back there again 12 years later.. Those memories are still fresh in my head...

Thursday, March 24, 2005

This seems cool!


testing on my new blog system..

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

What are the odds?!

Had an impromptu talk with my boss today, Talk = bad news. Anyway i kinda expected this already but just didnt realise it will happen so soon and before i leave.

Decided to leave the office earlier n go to the library...... and guess what? It started to RAIN HEAVILY! I armed myself with an umbrella determined to go home early! Alighted the bus and...... and guess what? My sandals broke off the moment i step down the bus!! So there i was in the rain n "crippled"! What the F?! I'm stuck n i just stood there for like 2 whole minutes thinking what should i do next?!?!?! Bugis junction is tooooooo far cos i need to cross 2 traffic lights?! I cant limp all the way there in this state! Thank goodness there's a Pasar malam behind so i decided to try my luck for a store selling shoes! There i was trying hard to "walk normally" while ignoring a few wierd stares from the people who walked past me... Luckily found a cheap shoe store and got myself a new sandals for only 6 bucks! Hoho!! Decided to cut the day short n skipped the library trip altogether n escape back to the comfort n safety of my own home...

Just tell me what are the odds! Believe it when they say bad things happen in 3! At least for me!

this is fun!

ok this blogger thingy is really cool! what the heck was i thinking manual updates all these while? All these while the WORLD is blogging with such fun n i only waited till now to discover... i can actually use email to add a post, publish to add a photo all in a few clicks! No more cumblesome logins n ftp, as if i have not enough of FTP everyday at work! I am having fun with this thing! (ps: Box! get yourself a blogger account!) whahaha! the moron strikes again..

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

new start

HAHA! ok i need to stop my habit of signing up for things n end up NOT using it! I just realised i set up this blog with blogspot last year to test it out and i forgot all about it?! Haha see date of my test entry?! Anyway, I wanna forsake manual uploading cos i'm simply too put off with all those trouble, that's y i am using this instead from now on. Say Bye to I had enough of the geocities crap. (ya.. i can hear SOME of you saying "FINALLY she give up?!?! it's about time...")

hmm.. until tomorrow then...

You Are 55% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself