slacking.. yes.. slacking.. i'm guilty of being a slacker at work recently. I need to buck up and get myself a new job like SOON, else i'm gonna slack so much i'll turn into a sack of potatos, bbq flavour one somemore...
i suddenly had this funny thought the other day, inspired by my mission on a series of shoes/sandals hunting sessions. Work/Life/Ralationships is like forever hunting for a perfect pair of shoes... can there actually be shoes that are perfect? When you found yourself a pair that u quite like, it turns out that they ran out of your size or colour. When you did manage to get one, u start wearing it happily but end up with blisters all over your feet. But eventually you will get used to the friction and all is well until before u know it, it snapped and you need to start on your mission again. Haha am i making any sense at all?! whahaha! I like the metaphor.. shoes.. life... interesting.. ok i shall stop before i get too carried away with my shoes and life theory.