What would you do in the following scenario?
You are taking the train on your way home. In the train station while on your way down the escalator, you stare blankly into the crowd and sigh to yourself - what a crapload of people. Everyone seem to be have forgotten about the keep left rule somehow.. When you are about to reach the landing, 2 person infront of you started darting to the right to avoid hitting a woman standing right at the landing. You quickly dart away too and then u realised that a lady had her LONGGGGGG skirt stuck in the escalator and she's kinda panicking. Everyone else seems to turned blind all of a sudden and yet they can walk away very quickly. No one give a shit to that lady. (ok she's a middle age woman not glam or anything so mebbe no guys give a shit?)
anyway so what would u do?
a. Wat? Did that happen? I'm too stoned from work i didnt see that...
b. Go help her! Quick! Poor thing no one help her
c. Press Stop button and inform the people at the control station
d. My eyes!! My eyes!! blind suddenly although u can still dart away to avoid knocking into her in the first place
About 99% of the people going down the escalator chose D! That's freaking sad. Singaporean have a special skill of turning blind in some cases of emergencies. Ok maybe u're thinking it's just a skirt wat.. wat's the big deal? what happen if it's a kid's finger or something? The lady was like shouting "could someone please help! please stop this thing!" but everyone just took one look and walk away.
I chose C. I press the stop button. Although i think i almost killed 20 other people who are still on the escalator. heee! sorry have to do that! her skirt is being drag in by the seconds! There's a a young couple who stop to help besides me. I heard the guy telling the gf "Oh no her skirt is stuck! Quick you're a girl i think u better go help her." The gf help to hold on to the skirt. No help from the guards at the control station yet! No one even freaking bother to tell the control station while walking past it?! so they didnt just turn blind, they turned mute as well. So i walked towards the c-station and signal to one of the guards and he ran over.
Seeing that the guard has taken over the job, i then walked away.
I know if i got stuck in the escalator, i would definitely appreciate some help. Dont you? Freaking blind people.