A day as a student again...*screams with fear*
Here i am.. 1.30pm in the afternoon sitting by my desk and reading TEXTBOOK! OMG! Can u believe i'm actually reading a T.E.X.T.B.O.O.K?!?! haha i find it hard to believe for myself too! Yesterday was the first day of class and it was pretty interesting, our lecturer was a funny man. Most of my classmates were the same age as me as everyone was saying "oh 4 years of working experience in this.. or 4 years in that..." so i think we're all pretty much facing the same situation that's y everyone is here for the course to upgrade ourselves and hopefully craved out a new career for ourselves?
Oh back to why i'm reading the TEXT, well it's becos we will get marks for class participation(another 10%!!) and for that to happen, you need to know what the lecturer is talking about in order to participate in class, which explains the rendevous i'm having with the dreadfull textbook now(ok not exactly now but right after i finished blogging, hee!).
There are a few people who immediately "stand out" in the class, well i meant it in a bad way of cos. Those are the ppl i will stayyyyyyy farrrrr farrrrrrr away for group projects! hoho! *keeping my fingers crossed* Ok so the next 2 weeks will be pretty much havoc for me. But after quidam ended, everything will pretty much calm down as there will only be lessons 2 or 3 days a week. I know i will miss Quidam after it ends...